Reduce your risk of future

The only safe method of prevention of breast cancer is the removal of both breasts. Curiously, some women with a strong genetic predisposition to this disease are to opt for radical surgery to reconstructive surgery.
Most women, however, do not want to undergo radical surgery such as the removal of both breasts, even with

reconstructive surgery. Yet, most women will rise to the possibility of breast cancer prevention.
There are some precursors of breast cancer. One of them is genetic. Some women with certain genetic characteristics have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. There are some prescription drugs for these women that May Aid in prevention of breast cancer. Other methods of possible breast cancer prevention exercise, limiting alcohol consumption to maintain weight and consuming a diet low in fat. Other methods of prevention of breast cancer to reject hormone replacement therapy. In recent years, hormone replacement, which is essentially a replacement of estrogen, which has lost during menopause was associated with breast cancer. Many doctors are limiting hormone replacement therapy as a means of prevention of breast cancer.
While mammography can not be considered as prevention of breast cancer, it can detect cancer before and tiny cancers that can not be detected by the fingers. Annual mammograms have proven very effective in reducing mortality from breast cancer.
Recently, some doctors suggest that MRI is even more effective early detection of breast cancer, leading to the May advance prevention of breast cancer.
If the total prevention of breast cancer May not be possible, it is possible to detect the disease early enough to ensure that the woman has a survival rate of 90 percent after treatment. Mammograms, annual medical examinations and self-determination are the best ways to prevent breast cancer from spreading. When you see the same symptoms, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

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Breast Cancer and Social Security Disability

It could be argued that breast cancer is one of the most visible diseases of our time.

Perhaps to compensate for the lack of attention it received in the past, when it is often undiagnosed and untreated, indivi

duals and organizations today are very active in informing the public and do more research in the medical community.
Breast cancer walks raise hundreds of thousands of dollars,

with sales of pink bracelets, pink ribbons and more. The level of the company, several million have joined the promotion of specific products, such as part of their product will be paid.
With a condition more common than breast cancer (one in eight women suffer), the attention, fundraising and lobbying for the support and knowledge can not be regarded as a benefit for the cause.
These near someone whose life has completely changed because of breast cancer, perhaps someone who wasn t able to continue working normally with her and began to accept the breast cancer Social Security disability have an interest in the continuing evolution of treatment options.
For women recently diagnosed and whether breast cancer SSI disability is good for them, new treatment trends are certainly something to explore as well. Working with a lawyer for Social Security, which specializes in breast cancer SSI disability will be useful, as the lawyers regularly remind their clients of the importance of keeping detailed notes on all medical visits and treatments sought.
The hope of a cure:
A recent study of breast cancer researchers has been the source of a lot of buzz recently. The study, as stated in the NY Times found that a short-term irradiation can have the same positive effect that the five weeks are recommended. The study is mainly applicable to those who have breast cancer early, it will have the greatest impact on those who have been diagnosed as such.
The advantages of the shorter radiation schedule, which is three weeks compared to the characteristic of five weeks, are immense and varied. On an individual basis, women's lives not be disrupted for long enough. Imagine a single mother with two children and a full-time employment, for example, less than fourteen days of radiation would probably be an incredible gift for her. Women who have applied and are working on the receipt of breast cancer SSI disability should speak with their lawyers to keep them updated on changes in the timing of treatment.
Moreover, if each woman spends less time to receive the radiation, which would open up time for doctors to help more women to receive radiation they need more quickly. By allowing more women to receive treatment faster, more lives could be saved, and more breast cancer survivors created.
Social Security Disability Application Next Steps:
When treating the disease and also in the middle of the breast cancer Social Security disability application process, discuss the importance of changes in symptoms and treatment with a lawyer can not be more appropriate. If women were to be approved for breast cancer Social Security disability, and also a suitable candidate to shorten the treatment, there could be consequences for the conditions of the SSI disability.
Although the most important focuses on ridding the body of cancer, it is also smart to consider and plan the different methods of support throughout the illness, which for some will be breast cancer SSI disability. Improved technology and further research will allow experts to continue to consider other treatment options that benefit everyone.

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Cancer and O2 = ……

There are a number of things we can do for us to live a long healthy life that is full of energy and disease free. There are some principles that are what we put into our body, or how active our lifestyle is sedentary, and how are thught life is managed in relation to stress, anxiety, prospects, etc.
What I want to target the cancer and it s cause. There are many different types of cancer awareness, which is good, with funds collected to be more research to end this disease. What we need to consider is not to let cancer get a foothold in the beginning. And it starts with oxygen.
Without a reliable supply of oxygen, the cells

of our body function properly cnnot. Nutrients in our diet must have oxygen to convert their potential energy into usable energy. For new cells to be formed, hundreds of amino acids must link together using oxygen as an energy source.
The main cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.
Poor oxygenation comes from the accumulation of carcinogens and other toxins within and around the cells, which freezes and damages the mechanism of cellular respiration by oxygen. The agglutination of red blood cells, slowing blood flow and reduces the flow into the capillaries. This also causes poor oxygenation. Even the lack of a good basis for the cell walls, essential fatty acids, restricts oxygen exchange.
There are certain factors that deprive us of oxygen on a daily basis.
Toxicity, psychological stress, physical trauma and infections, reduction of atmospheric oxygen, poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Some of these factors we can control and some we can not. For example, scientific analysis shows that the oxygen of the air appears to be declining in our atmosphere, especially in large cities.
It is no surprise then that we see a concomitant increase in human illness and disease. Is this coincidence or a direct correlation to lower oxygen levels. I'm going with it and is something not taken lightly.
Biochemist Dr. Otto Warburg, who received the Nobel prize in terms of its cancer research, is convinced that cancer cells can not begin to proliferate in the human body when the cells become oxygen deficient, and that cancer cells can not grow at all when exposed to an oxygen-rich environment.
Recent research confirms that in fact, lack of oxygen in cells and tissues is the cause not only cancer, but most likely of all chronic degenerative diseases.
Cancer cells produce excess lactic acid as they ferment energy. Lactic acid is toxic, and tends to prevent the transport of oxygen into neighboring normal cells. Over time as these cells replicate, the cancer in May, if the spread is not destroyed by the immune system.
Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used because cancer cells are weaker than normal cells and therefore first to die in May However, chemotherapy and radiation damage respiratory enzymes in healthy cells, and with an overload of toxins, so they become more likely to develop cancer. The underlying cause of cancer conditions worsened, not improved. And the cancer usually returns quickly a second time unless you make changes to support the health of your body.
The implication of this research is that an effective way to support the body s fight against cancer would be to get as much oxygen as you can in healthy cells, and enhancing their ability to use oxygen. Increase the oxygen level of normal cells would prevent them from becoming cancerous. And increase oxygen levels in cancer cells at high levels could help kill cancer cells.
Medical researchers working with cell cultures in a laboratory, if they want the cells to mutate, they turn down the oxygen. To end the transfer, the oxygen is turned up. A type of white blood cells kills cancer cells by injecting oxygen creating hydrogen peroxide in cells.
So how can we ensure that the cells are oxygenated? There are liquid oxygen supplements that release of available oxygen in the blood that will literally produce more oxygen in the cells. In a word, a stabilized oxygen supplement contains oxygen molecules in a liquid that is taken orally, usually 10 to 20 drops of pure glass of water makes pure oxygen available to immediately absorbed directly into the bloodstream. The hemoglobin then carries this oxygen to your body cells and tissues, highly saturated with oxygen in the process.

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No Fear of Cancer

When the FDA uses the term May reduce the risk of some cancers, it is almost impossible to imagine that they speak of nothing other than a costly new prescription pill. Then, following that request usually a warning or a fine print advertisements at the speed alert tells of the many side effects that occur in May while taking the prescription.
Proponets of medicine in the United States seem to leave

things as they are, beat off the myriad of surgical ward, concerned more with the cut and cut into that improving your quality of life. Large pharmaceutical companies refuse to recognize anything because that only natural products can not be patented. Pharmaceutical companies then try to reproduce
components, but it just isn t enough work. So we still there? What are our choices?
Currently, conventional medicine is basically telling us how to treat cancer is to cut, poison and burn. Diagnosis of breast cancer, simply cut off. Chemotherapy is a poison, it makes people very sick and most popular of the drug for breast cancer causes cancer of the uterus. The use of radiation to burn, then, but medical studies show that among people with cancer who are treated with radiotherapy and those who were not treated showed no difference.
Do not be naive, cancer is equal to the money and we were beyond the awareness of many years now. In fact, pharmaceutical companies have already made $ 12.5 billion to date on diabetes in 2008 and is not intended to appear as indifferent to those who currently have cancer and those who lost friends and loved ones to this disease. Instead, it breaks my heart especially when I think how it must be a boy or girl who has a form of cancer and the toll it relates to families.
My question is why the medical profession and big pharma will not be considered the treatment of cancer or at least naturally integrate natural supplements, not just close the door. Unfortunately, it seems that the love of the almighty dollar has skewed things a bit.
Do not be surprised when, in the not distant future, we will be unable to purchase vitamins in the United States, such as vitamin C for example, without prescribtion. CODEX is already controlling much of this internationally and it is just a matter of time until the dollar signs of triggering a new era in the United States is already a signatory, but it is not applied ... yet.
Of course we are all familiar with the adage of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and this is very true, especially regarding cancer. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure cancer and there is no exception. All processed foods full of preservatives, it is not only devoid of nutrients, but in many cases is harmful. Businesses, we can announce our daily dose of vitamins and minerals with their products so that we think it s healthy. Some fast food should have less warnings on the packaging / box to read this in May because of bad things. Organic foods are a great option for nutricious lifestyle if you can afford it.
We must focus on what we can do to prevent cancer. Just as it is wise to use preventive measures in other areas of our life, nt different. It is not intended to be dark, but not to fall into the trap of this will never happen to me.
Without going into a great essay on cancer, but very simply, cancer begins at the cellular level. Our immune system plays an essential role in preventing cancer by destroying invading pathogens s. In this spirit, it makes sense to ensure that our cells have the nutrients needed to be oxygenated and our immune system is balanced so that the antibodies reached the right target to eliminate the invaders.
There are a number of natural supplements which help to make available course this happens, any weak links strong. Like most things, there is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly in the natural supplement arena. This article does not aim to tell you what or what not to buy, but if you know there are options that work that you never heard of the medicine. Are some investigation, but keep in mind that integration, conventional medicine is quick to use the term quackery which is not in their protocol.

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Prostate Cancer

Before starting this discussion, let me first say that this information is presented from a traditional, conventional approach for the treatment of prostate cancer, not substitute which is what I advocate. These are processes that, if we can expect to receive conventional treatment.
Prostate cancer is a disease in which cancer develops in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. May it cause pain, difficulty in urinating, erectile dysfunction and other symptoms and are most often discovered by PSA (prostate specific antigen) and less frequent screening by physical examination or by symptoms.
Prostate cancer is rare in men under 45, but becomes more common with age

and the risk can be reduced by modifying known risk factors, such as reducing the intake of animal fat . Prostate cancer is the ninth most common cancer in the world, but it is the number one non-skin cancer for men in the United States.
Treatment options for prostate cancer vary by age of man, health and stage of cancer. Treatment of prostate cancer May involve watchful waiting, surgery, radiotherapy, including brachytherapy (prostate brachytherapy) and external beam radiation, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), chemotherapy, cryosurgery, hormone, or a combination. Treatments aimed at reducing the cancer can often produce pain. Treatments are generally five days a week for about eight weeks. The options vary depending on the stage of the tumor. Screening for prostate cancer is controversial because it is not clear whether the benefits of screening outweigh the risks of follow-up diagnostic tests and treatments against cancer.
PSA is an enzyme measured in the blood can increase naturally as men age the prostate or if abnormalities are present. PSA levels can change for many reasons other than cancer. There is some concern about the accuracy of the PSA test and its usefulness. An estimated 20 million PSA tests are performed each year in North America and perhaps 20 million more outside of North America. Two common causes of high PSA levels are enlargement of the prostate (benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)) and infection of the prostate (prostatitis).
Scientists recommend a healthy, balanced diet rich in fiber, and reduce intake of meat. As people take a more active role in their health care, many are exploring options of care that fall outside the scope of traditional medicine. There is no doubt that what we put into our body relates to the health of our cells. It is not clear whether the prostate cancer can be prevented, but a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables and low in animal fats May help. This is one of the most important bodies of humans and the anatomy is often neglected in healthy lifestyles, because it takes a long time for prostate symptoms.
But the good news is that survival rates have improved significantly. Over the past 20 years, survival rates at 5 years for all stages of prostate cancer combined have increased from 67 to 99. If prostate cancer is detected and treated early, the survival rate is high. Like all cancers, as soon as it is and treatment, the greater the chance of recovery and survival.
Prostate cancer often has no symptoms, especially in its infancy and looking for your May you have cause to wonder, as in May there be no trace in the history of your family
and treatment must be individualized.
All patients with prostate cancer should use other treatments. In general, they must be used before starting treatment. When prostate cancer patients receiving conventional treatment, it should also incorporate alternative therapies to reduce the side effects of conventional treatment to improve results and possibly allow the patient to be able to terminate conventional treatment.

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Againts Cancer with Protein Powder Extract of Wheat Germ

Cancer has been on the rise in the United States for many years and it goes without saying that this has affected the most, if not all of us in one way or another. Here are some supplements to take into account not only the prevention of cancer, but in the fight against this phenomenon.
Whey protein powder is probably one of the most underutilized tools

you can use to improve and protect your health. Whey isn t some glamorous, high-tech products that was recently discovered. What is the whey is a translucent liquid that separates when the milk curdles in the process of making cheese.
Centuries ago, it was hailed as an elixir, but more recently it has generally been discarded as waste. Some of the farmers were warned that it would be beneficial for young farm animals, and often used in food, and they are something. The majority of the benefits of whey can be attributed to its dense protein content of high quality components. It was found in one of the most comprehensive and biologically active forms of protein available.
Studies in laboratory animals have shown that supplemented by a whey protein provides protection against toxin-induced cancers of the esophagus, lung, bladder, colon, liver and breast. It seems that as soon as the whey protein is started, the greater the protective effects may be.
Extract from fermented wheat germ (FWGE), also known as the fermented wheat germ powder (FWGP) is used as a natural therapy. FWGP is approved as a medical nutriment for the therapy of cancer support in Hungary and is used for this purpose in other countries of the European Union (EU), and parts of Middle East and Asia. It is used in the United States as a dietary supplement.
Research indicates that FWGE works through several different mechanisms. One of its unique advantages, however, is its ability to inhibit the metabolism of glucose in cancer cells. By reducing the flow of glucose into cancer cells, it inhibits their ability to produce more nucleic acid and subsequently reduced their proliferation or growth. In the presence of compounds FWGE, cancer cells begin to use the glucose available to produce substances that effectively inhibit cell division and stimulate programmed cell death in the tumor.
FWGE also helps the immune system's ability to identify and destroy cancer cells, and its security was widely studied in cell lines, animals and humans and no adverse effects were identified.
Not only the use of FWGE free of toxic and adverse effects, it has the advantage of being able to protect cells against the effects caused by treatments. In all studies where FWGE was used in combination with conventional therapies, not only those therapies were significantly more effective, but patients have much less side effects therapy. Both the frequency and severity of side effects such as nausea, fatigue, weight loss, and depression were reduced. In addition, their immune system recover more quickly.
Do you know that India has one-tenth the rate of cancer in America. The main reason was attributed to curry, or rather a compound in one of the spices that make up curry called turmeric. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger, but it also has incredible anti inflammatory, anti mutagenic, protection and other powers.
The compound curcumin is responsible for the yellowish orange color and smell of turmeric. Curcumin is more than just a pigment. Researchers at the Cancer Center in Houston reported that laboratory strains of melanoma curcumin stops and causes the proliferation of cancer cells to commit suicide. The results are so dramatic that clinical trials are underway testing curcumin ability to retard the growth of both pancreatic and breast cancer, animal studies and its impact on melanoma will begin shortly.
So far, researchers have found that curcumin had a positive effect on all markets tumor they tried. Furthermore, these studies concern the use of curcumin daily oral supplements that are readily available today.

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